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What happened at Grandma, Poppy's and my fur-Aunty Smiler...

What happened at Grandma, Poppy's and my fur-Aunty Smiler...

Hi Uncle Bud, it’s me Harriett

We went visiting the other day, we went to see Grandma and Poppy and my fur-Aunty Smiler.  She’s a really big dog, and she loves us so much. When she sees our car at Grandma’s gate, she starts getting all excited and makes this funny squeaky noise.

Mum thought it would be a good idea to test out the portability of the Torus Bowl, so we took it with us to Grandmas.  We stuck the bowl on the back seat of the car, and when we got to Grandma’s place we stuck it on the deck. That Torus bowl is just magic. No water came out until we needed it to. So when it was in the back of the car – no water. When we got to Grandma’s place, Mum turned the tap on and boom! Water in the bowl, just like that!

Grandma always has snacks for us and stuff, but it was a pretty ordinary visit until we were just getting ready to head home and Hugo spotted the chooks. Then all hell broke loose. 

Hugo started chasing the chooks. Mum and Grandma were chasing Hugo. Dad and Poppy were chasing Mum and Grandma chasing Hugo. And that Hugo can run pretty damn fast when it comes to trying to catch chooks. And before you knew it he caught one. He caught Matilda in his big mouth. Poor old Matilda lost a few feathers and got a big fright. But luckily Mum can be pretty speedy when she needs to be and pulled Hugo off Matilda before things got really serious. Matilda ran into the bushes, Hugo got banished to the car. Dad got into trouble for no reason at all. And Grandma had angry eyes. Actually, come to think of it, Mum had angry eyes and angry voice. Poor old Hugo, he was in really big trouble.

Luckily Matlida wasn’t seriously hurt, but Mum said it might be the last time Hugo gets to go to Grandma’s place without his lead on. Now that Uncle Bud is serious trouble indeed. Serious with a capital S.

Anyway, I’ve got to go now, Mum said it’s time to check the beehive.  Checking the beehive is my favourite thing.

Lots of licky lick kisses.
