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Diabetes got nothing on me!! I got this!

Diabetes got nothing on me!! I got this!


Mom was determined more than ever to save me and to make things right. She wanted to play it safe with everything that seemed to be working prior to any hiccups that happened along the road. She didn’t mean any harm, we were all learning to navigate this crazy disease of mine. 

It was definitely a rough start being a newly diagnosed sugar baby, and I’ve had 2 relapses after my surgery,but we had the tools to succeed now. I know we got this! Mom even had lots of friends to support her emotionally that cared about me. 

I had to stay strong for my parents. I took my medicine and insulin like a champ and scarfed up my food in less than a minute. Mom was so shocked she had to get me a puzzle bowl for dogs. What a bummer! I’m still able to gobble down my food in 2 minutes! Jokes on her! 

She relied on the dog diabetic group a lot during my recovery process. Most of the stories and situations were always so grim. There’s so many people out there that wants to give up, but she didn’t want to be discouraged and let this disease win. 

I also had weekly checkups within the next month or so and my insulin levels were adjusted to see if we’d have better results. Mom was willing to try anything to save me. 

I slowly regained my weight back and the dog doctor was so shocked with my transformation. He asked mom what she was doing differently because I was looking and feeling great! 

My pancreatitis and infection eventually went away over time and my thyroid levels are back to normal. 

Eventually, mom didn’t have to take me to the dog doctor anymore! I do miss the wonderful technicians there tho, and they ask about me all the time when my parents call for new supplies. 


We couldn’t believe won this race! My transformation was astonishing and I looked healthy like nothing has ever happened. It was like I was completely normal again! My strength has gotten better and my back legs are almost perfect again! I’m even starting to jump on the couch and climb up the stairs! My parents were so shocked and happy. 

There was so many unfortunate stories about this disease, and so many broken hearts around the world. Mom really couldn’t believe how many dogs like me are out there battling this every day and losing all hope.  Mom hopes that my story will help other out there to not give up because it’ll get better once things regulated internally!  

Nala the Hawaiian

Although this thing called a pandemic ruined almost everything around the world - mom is most grateful she had the time to nurture me back to health. Brother and I are also enjoying our time with her too, but brother Simba seems to be the trouble maker in the family. 

My birthday is also coming up and I hope mom has something planned for me! I totally deserve this! 

Until next time, 



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