Pets need 1oz of water for every pound of their weight. TORUS™ is the solution. Pets need 1oz of water for every pound of their weight. TORUS™ is the solution.
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Go shorty, it’s my birthday!

Go shorty, it’s my birthday!

Mom can’t believe I made it this far and had such a quick progression after my second relapse. Never did she thought I’d be standing here today stronger than ever.  

I was showered with gifts and lots of love on my Instagram page! My friends at Torus Pet sent me a new 2 Liter Torus Bowl in pink!! Torus bowl helps me with hydration and I drink fitered water all day. I am so lucky!

Diabetes got nothing on me!! I got this!

Diabetes got nothing on me!! I got this!
I slowly regained my weight back and the dog doctor was so shocked with my transformation. He asked mom what she was doing differently because I was looking and feeling great! 

Slow and steady wins the race!

Slow and steady wins the race!
Mom found some pretty cool items to help me like the Torus Pet Water Bowl that automatically refills with fresh. Filtered water! This was by far her favorite find! Not only did I get clean filtered water all day, but she didn’t have to worry about refilling it all the time with Simba and I constantly drinking water all day!!

It's Doomsday! It's liver surgery time!! Part 2

It's Doomsday! It's liver surgery time!! Part 2

I was lying on my sides the entire day, staring into space. I didn’t have the energy to do anything except to lift my head up for water. That was the only thing I wanted. 

My parents came down without brother Simba, to visit me in the late afternoon. They figured it would be best to keep him at home since I was frail. They attempted to feed me since the Vet Technician had no success. But I didn’t want any of that! I mean Hello! Do you humans know what I just went through? I had a pretty crazy surgery and I have pancreatitis! Do you know what it feels like to have this? It makes you feel super nauseous and want to throw up. The visitation time was short and I was bundled up to stay as warm as possible. They mentioned that Mom and Dad could visit again tomorrow. 

Day 2 is here. I’m still not eating, but my parents came to visit me and brought brother Simba with them! I was happy to see my little brother again! I even gave everyone except Dad some kisses! Haha! Dad didn’t find that amusing like Mom, but he kissed me anyway. Yucks!  I still didn’t want any food or snacks, and Mom was going crazy with my crazy eye boogers and was cleaning my face the entire time she was there. Again, they told Mom that I'd have to stay overnight since my temperature wasn’t going up and because I was only drinking water. 

It’s now day 3! I think I practically own this place. Mom brought my favorite dog treats for me again to see if I’d eat some and I did! They’re my favorite, made with all beef with no preservatives! I gathered all my strength to lift my head up for this yummy treat! I’m feeling a little better and acting a little perkier now, but I still can’t go home yet. They said they want to “observe” me more. I also ate a little tonight after they left! This was the best news and everyone was cheering me on! 

Day 4 has arrived and I'm eating and feeling a little better! I must say that I think I’m their favorite client here! My family came for another visit and I was able to lift myself up again. Little brother Simba was being a pest as usual. He loves me for 10 minutes and then has a hissy-fit in the waiting room. I just want to give my brother the side eye sometimes. Why does he have to steal my “thunder.” I’m the Queen after all! 

Day 5 and I’m still here. My parents noticed my chin was saggy! What could this be? Because of this they wanted to keep me another night to start plasma treatment.  Doctor also noticed that it was weird how my blood glucose was still high. He asked Mom whether she noticed any frequent drinking and peeing and she said yes! It happened this past month! He then advised her that he thinks I’m diabetic, because there’s no way that I can be stressed for 5 days straight with a high blood glucose reading every single day.  Mom didn’t know what that meant and what is in store for her at that time, but was saddened there was another diagnosis for me. 

It’s now Day 6 and I got the OK to go home! My saggy chin isn’t so saggy anymore and Mom could pick me up in the afternoon! I was ecstatic! I’m finally free! I was carried out in my pet carrier. I was excited to see the sunshine on my face and the warm smiles of my family.

Mom even got an extensive medicine schedule full of antibiotics for my infections and a vial of insulin for my diabetes. Because of this we had to go back inside! They had to teach them how to do give me my insulin. I could tell Mom was the most nervous because she hates needles herself. But she was determined to learn how to administer this to me. Mom was thankful it was just once a day (for now anyway).

Once that was done, we went home! Mom got a hefty bill of $4,500 for my 6-day “resort stay”, but she thought it was well worth it. 

I’m happy to be home now and I’m resting. She even made me a Simba proof fort in our room. Wish me luck with my healing, everyone! 


Until next time! 


Nala, XOXO


It's Doomsday! It's liver surgery time!!

It's Doomsday! It's liver surgery time!!

Hey guy! It’s me, Nala again!  

We’re here at this scary place called the “veterinarian”.  Mom seemed so sad in the car as we sat in the car park while she phoned to check in with the Receptionist. They said they’ll be right out, but it was the longest 5-minutes for her. She gave me a lot of kisses, took a lot of pictures of me, and told me that everything will be ok! 

The Secret Life of a Sugar Baby (A tale of a newly diabetic dog named Nala and her trusty sidekick Simba).

The Secret Life of a Sugar Baby                                                         (A tale of a newly diabetic dog named Nala and her trusty sidekick Simba).
Hey it’s me, Nala! I’m from the little island of Oahu, Hawaii. I must say that I’ve had a pretty sweet life so far! Simba, my great friend, and I are very lucky to have two awesome parents who love us and will take care of us no matter what!  I’m a 7 year old Chi-weenie (Chihuahua and Dachshund mix), full of spunk and full of sass! You can call me the queen if you’d like! 

How to build up your dog's food drive?

Delaware K9 Academy

Food motivation within dogs is their desire to perform a certain task or behavior when the outcome of performing the task correctly is food. This is most commonly seen in puppies, as they are rapidly growing and always seem to be hungry. As dogs grow older and become fully mature physically, they may lose their massive interest in their kibble. There are many ways to either continue with or improve on their food drive from the puppy phase. It's important first, to discuss the ways you can ruin food drive.